Asset Management - Four Steps Repeated and Refined

G2's team has decades of direct hands-on experience repeating these four steps successfully with respect to scores of custom crafted transactions - large and small. 

The institutional backbone of these methods was designed and built by G2's portfolio manager starting in the mid-1990s. These methods were successfully used across a series of exceptionally large specialty investment transactions (each with a value of several hundred million dollars or more) that were executed directly on the balance sheets of a few of the largest multi-national financial institutions in the world. 

Starting in 2012, as the Global Financial Crisis was still grinding on, the G2 team retooled and refined these methods for use on smaller direct real estate investment transactions (average check size ranging from ~$2 - ~$7 million each).

After completing nearly a dozen of these smaller direct private real estate investment transactions, G2's team has successfully adapted an institutional-quality asset management methodology for use on smaller direct investment alternative transactions. 

Active continuous visibility into the operations of each portfolio asset and active direct communications with our sponsor/operating partners allows G2 to proactively participate in most major decisions relating to our assets. 

Today, lessons learned from every new G2 transaction helps us refine this asset management methodology. We incorporate the valuable lessons learned from our experiences as we continuously improve our time-tested methods and processes.